Switching between varying degrees of temperature can really give skin a good work out. Heaters and battling the elements – are just not good for the skin!
As much as it is comforting to be warm and cozy - skin just does not enjoy prolonged time spent in the de-humidified environment of heaters. It literally strips skin of its natural moisture. The lower the humidity, the faster moisture escapes from your skin.
About 60% humidity keeps skin in optimum condition anything lower than that it may become tight and dry. In an artificially heated environment humidity may be much lower than 60%. And since we live with heaters during winter, we tend to ‘suffer’ from dry skin.
So the solution to this seasonal condition is simple – weekly exfoliation and regular, daily moisturising to maintain the skin’s natural balance. A good moisturiser puts moisture back into the skin, but what’s more important is keeping it there!
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